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The Free Clinic




Download The Free Clinic Volunteer Application Packet (in interactive PDF format) or contact the Volunteer Coordinator for additional information: (216) 707-3412 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Advocacy:  Assist in developing and implementing The Free Clinic’s We Are The Uninsured group.  Assist with “story-banking” to document patients’ experiences with health care and access to be later used for newsletters, reports, policy testimonials, and advocacy endeavors.  Identify pertinent policy and advocacy events in the news to disseminate among Free Clinic friends.

External Affairs Support:  Assemble info packets, assist with data entry and fax/e-mail blasts; staff the clinic’s table at community fairs; assist with marketing and PR for clinic events; maintain the clinic’s Facebook page with events, photos, and pertinent updates.  Solicit local businesses for in-kind contributions for volunteer recognition (ie. gift cards, tickets, etc).

Administrative Clerical Support:  Assist with typing, data entry, filing, mailings, medical records maintenance, patient reminder phone calls, scheduling, and assisting the various departmental coordinators.

Client Service Representative:  Direct incoming calls, schedule and cancel appointments; handle patient satisfaction and quality control efforts; assist clients in an efficient, respectful, and confidential manner.  Accurate data entry required.

Associate Board:  Provide developmental support, including fundraising and coordinating special events to benefit The Free Clinic.

Special Projects:  Explore special projects around your interests, including programming, video editing, patient education, etc.

Speakers Bureau:  Speak on behalf of The Free Clinic at various events and meetings in the community in order to raise awareness of the services The Free Clinic offers.

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Ankh The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland
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